Discover the World of Dinosaurs on Dinosaur Day: History, Facts, Event Guide and Activities

Updated April 26, 2023

Dinosaur Day is celebrated every year on May 15 and June 1. Something around 300 years ago scientists found the first dinosaur bone, which increased the curiosity to know more about Dinosaurs. It has been an intriguing subject for Science. There are still, so many things that people don’t know about Dinosaurs.

That’s why we celebrate Dinosaurs Day to increase our knowledge about the different types of dinosaurs, what they ate, what they looked like, and what ultimately happened to them. This day provides an opportunity for everyone to learn more about them and celebrate them just as they deserve!

History of Dinosaur Day

Dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic era or Age of Reptiles, which started about 252 million years ago. Nobody knows the exact date but some scientists researched and estimated that they first appeared about 245 million years ago, and existed for about 180 million years. They were reptiles and the ancestors of today’s lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and snakes.

In 1878, scientists found the first complete dinosaur skeleton, which was of an iguanodon. The term ‘Dinosaur’ means terrible lizard, derived from the Greek word ‘Denios’. A famous scientist, Richard Owen, in 1842, invented this name (Dinosaur).

Scientists gave many theories about the Dinosaurs’ extinction. Like heat waves, changing sea levels, disease, the emergence of egg-eating mammals, a large amount of volcanic activity, cold spells, or X-rays from an exploding supernova. Among them, the most common and famous theory that many scientists believe is ‘asteroid theory.’

According to this theory, a massive asteroid struck the Earth 46 million years ago. It formed a massive cloud of dust that completely blocked sunlight for a year or two, which resulted in the decline of Earth’s temperature. Dinosaurs could not have survived without the sun’s warmth since they were cold-blooded.

The evidence of Dinosaurs’ existence was first discovered in 1677 by humans when Robert Plot, a naturalist and Oxford professor, found a lone bone of a dinosaur. Since there was no clear evidence of dinosaurs’ existence at that time so Plot’s best guess was that it had come from a giant human.

Dinosaur Day Timeline

245 Million Years Ago => Dinosaurs live on earth
65 Million Years Ago => Dinosaurs go extinct
1677  => First dinosaur bone is discovered
1842  => Dinosaurs are first given their category name
1993  => Jurassic Park is released in theaters

How to Celebrate Dinosaur Day

Everyone can enjoy the fun and adventure of Dinosaurs Day whether it’s a child, an adult, or an old. There are tons of different creative and educational activities that one can do on Dinosaur Day.

1. Visit a Museum with Dinosaurs

Some of the most interesting dinosaur museums in the world:

  • The Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • National Dinosaur Museum in Canberra, Australia.
  • Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Germany.
  • Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science in Brussels, Belgium.

2. Subscribe to the National Geographic for Kids Magazine

3. Watch a Movie with Dinosaurs

Some recommended movies to watch on Dinosaurs Day

  • Jurassic Park
  • Land of the Lost
  • The Land Before Time
  • Night at the Museum

4. Bake fossil cookies

5. Build a 3D Dino Model

Facts About Dinosaurs

  1. Dinosaurs lived on Earth between about 245 and 65 million years ago.
  2. They were reptiles and evolved from earlier reptiles, but they were not related to modern reptiles such as crocodiles and snakes.
  3. Dinosaurs were a diverse group of animals, with more than 800 known species.
  4. Some dinosaurs were small, measuring less than 6 feet long, while others, such as the Brachiosaurus, were more than 100 feet long.
  5. Many dinosaurs were bipedal, meaning they walked on two legs, while others, such as the Stegosaurus, were quadrupedal, meaning they walked on four legs.
  6. Dinosaurs were not all giant creatures, some of them were quite small, such as the Compsognathus, which was only about 3 feet long and weighed around 12 pounds.
  7. Some dinosaurs had feathers, not just birds.
  8. The largest known dinosaur is the Argentinosaurus, which may have measured up to 110 meters long and weighed around 100 tons.
  9. Dinosaurs were wiped out by a mass extinction event around 65 million years ago. The most widely accepted theory is that it was caused by an asteroid impact.
  10. Scientists continue to discover new dinosaur species and learn more about their biology, behavior, and ecology through the study of their fossils.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are dinosaurs real?

Ans: Yes, there is some scientific evidence that shows, dinosaurs were a group of reptiles that lived on the earth millions of years ago.

Q. Did dinosaurs have feathers?

Ans: Yes. In the 1900s, Preserved specimens of dinosaur feathers were found in China.

Q. When did dinosaurs go extinct?

Ans. 65 million years ago Dinosaurs became extinct.

Q. What killed the dinosaurs?

Ans. Asteroids killed the Dinosaurs.

Q. What do we do on dinosaur Day?

Ans. Visiting a museum or other dinosaur-related attraction is the best way to celebrate the day.

Reads Beyond Dinosaurs Day Under Awareness

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