What are The Key Features to Democracy Its Advantages & Disadvantages?

Updated July 22, 2022

The Key Features to Democracy has all to do with ideal functioning of a democratic rule. The Democracy is a form of government which is followed by most of the countries in the world. People preferred it most because it allows people to choose their government according to their will.

It also allows people to correct their mistakes by dethroning the corrupt government. This is not it, there is a lot to know and discuss democracy. So, do follow the article to know more about the key features of democracy and its advantages & disadvantages.

What is Democracy?

The word ‘democracy‘ has its origins in the Greek language. It consists of two shorter words, ‘Demos‘ means common people and ‘Kartos’ means power or rule. Democracy is a form of government that allows people to choose their representatives according to their wills. And, a U.S. president Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) defined democracy as, Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Generally, there are two types of democracy: direct and representative democracy.

Direct Democracy

Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which all laws and policies implemented by governments are determined by the people themselves, rather than by representatives who are elected by the people.

Representative Democracy

Representative democracy or indirect democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens vote for their representatives to pass laws for them.

Key Features of Democracy

Elected Rulers

Democracy is a system of government in which rulers are elected by the people of his country through proper and fair elections thus, these rulers are known as the elected ruler.

Rule of law

Rule of law means that no one is above law and all laws apply equally to all citizens of the country.

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights are sections of the Constitution of India, that have been provided to citizens of the country. These fundamental rights are considered as basic human rights of all citizens, irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, or creed. Etc.

There are six fundamental rights in India. Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies.

Right to Vote

The right to vote means that all eligible citizens have the right to vote in public and political elections.

Right to Contest Elections

In democracies, the right to contest elections means, all eligible peoples have the right to participate in public and political elections.

Free and Fair Elections

An election is a central feature of democracy. To express a voter’s choice in an election, they must be ‘free and fair’.

‘Free’ means that all those peoples who are eligible to vote. They must be free to make their choice. An election is considered ‘free’ when you can decide whether or not to vote and vote freely for the candidate or party of your choice without fear or intimidation.

‘Fair’ means that all participated political parties have an equal right to contest the elections, campaign for voter support, and hold meetings and rallies. This gives them a fair chance to convince voters to vote for them. A fair election is also one in which all voters have an equal opportunity to vote.

Separation of Powers

Separation of powers is a principle of constitutional law under which the power of government is divided into three branches, executive, legislative, and judicial. And, each branch is given certain power which limits the possibility of arbitrary excesses by the government.

Independent Judiciary

Judicial independence is the concept that the judiciary should be independent of the other branches of government. The legislature and the executive cannot interfere in the work of the judiciary. The courts are not under the government and do not act on their behalf.

Majority Rules

The majority rule is a decision rule that selects alternatives that have a majority, that is, more than half the votes. It is the binary decision rule used most often in influential decision-making bodies, including all the legislatures of democratic nations.

Organized Opposition Party

The opposition party plays very critically in a democracy. The opposition party is required as much as the ruling party because it questions the government of the day and holds them accountable to the public. This also helps to fix the mistakes of the Ruling Party.

What are the Advantages of Democracy?

Protecting the Interests of Citizens

Eligible people have the right to vote on the key issues affecting their country or can elect particularly representatives they want to be in charge of making major decisions, such as the president.

Promoting Equality

Generally, democracy is based on the rule of equality, which means that all peoples are equal in the eyes of the law, and every eligible people have the right to vote. And, the government cannot discriminate against him on the basis of religion, sex, class, and prosperity.

Preventing from Misuse of Power

In a democracy, people elect the government by giving the vote. Therefore, governments have the responsibility to fulfill the wishes of the people. If they misuse their position, next election eligible peoples will not give the vote to them and, they will not be re-elected.

Makes a Responsible Government

In a democracy when the eligible peoples are elect their representatives, a more responsible government is formed. Thus, democracy can be efficient, firm, and stable. Its administration is ruled with a sense of dedication towards the people.

Democracy Improves the Quality of Decision Making

Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions, and meetings. When a number of people put their decisions, it becomes easier to figure out a responsible decision. This reduces the likelihood of rash or irresponsible decisions. This reduces the chances of rash or irresponsible decisions.

What are the Disadvantages of Democracy?

Instability of Government

In a democracy, the government keeps changing after the completion of its tenure. Every government has fixed tenure, they would not continue to hold their position after the ending of duration. This leads to the instability of the government.

It Promotes Immoral

Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality.

Not Everyone is Informed

Although ordinary citizens don’t know what is good for them, they should not decide anything.

Decisions can Take a Long Time

In a democracy for the changing of laws and making decisions involves, many persons and their consultation. This means that carrying out what people want often takes a long time.

It Provokes Corruption

Those who are elected to power, can misuse for personal interests and engage in corrupt conduct. During their tenure in office, they can take advantage of authority for personal gain, leaving the public interest behind

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